Welcome to Mole's class page!
Class Teacher: Miss Garner
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Moss
We met Mr T!
Mrs Moss kindly brought in her tortoise called Mr T for Moles to look at. Year 2s have been learning that amphibians do not drink water like us. Instead, they have a drinking patch underneath their stomach, which they submerge into water and the water is absorbed. The tortoise Mr T is a reptile, and can drink water through his mouth, but he can also absorb water between his body and his shell, and was another fab example of how animals can adapt and still have their needs met.
Secret Agent Training treat
Year 2s got together after their Secret Agent Training (SATs) and had a well-deserved treat. They played outside, made a fire in the cabin and made smores!
Year 2 trip to Knettishall Heath
4th April 2022
Year 2s from Moles and Badgers went on a trip to Knettishall Heath nature reserve. We went river dipping, bug hunting, got to know a tree and made our own nature reserve. It was a cold, windy and wet day, but we have a great time!
Year 1 Trip to Knettishall Heath
(28th March 2022)
Year 1s from both Hedgehogs and Moles went on a trip to Knettishall Heath nature reserve.
They had a go at river dipping, got to know a tree, drew sketches of the river and made their very own nature reserve. The weather was perfect for a day outside!
World Book Day
3rd March 2022
17.2.22 Peter Rabbit Day
As part of our Literacy learning, we dressed up as characters from The Tale of Peter Rabbit.
In our Literacy lesson, we tasted some of the foods that were mentioned in the story and wrote adjectives to describe the taste, texture, smell and appearance of the different foods.
In Maths, we voted for our favourite foods from the morning tasting, and then we
represented this data using block diagrams.
During the afternoon, we made vegetable kebabs and cooked them over a fire in the cabin. We had lots of fun pretending to be Peter Rabbit, running around, exploring the cabin field and avoiding Mr McGregor!
Our class visit to the Enchanted Forest Library
After the grand opening of our library, we were very excited to have story time together inside. It was soo magical to sit beneath the tree and get lost in a story!
Hello Moles!
I am really looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow for our first day back.
Here is a short video of me reading 'A Squash and a Squeeze'. I am reading it while sitting in our classroom so you get a sneaky peak before tomorrow, I wonder what you can see behind me.
Apologies for the poor quality of my video, but I hope you like the story.
I am looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow!
From Miss Garner